About the operating company
Galley Crew Co., Ltd. , which operates Tanimachi Aloha,
Everything related to the company
We will do our best to support you.
Advertising/public relations/sales promotion
Company information, various pamphlets, signboard production,
Planning and production work such as creating homepages and online shops
Menu translation/inbound
Translation of printed materials and media for foreigners, translation of menus and guidance, and dispatch of interpreters
In-house events/various events
Anniversary events, commemorative parties, company events,
Planning and management of festivals, PR events, etc.
branding strategy
Planning and implementation of branding strategies for individuals, companies, governments, etc.
Conference/marketing consultant
Improvement and consulting for marketing training, vision creation training, meetings, transformation, etc.
Interviews with managers and celebrities, booklets,
Editing/compilation of commemorative magazines, video/photography, etc.
Tanimachi Aloha Management
Japanese pattern aloha sales, ukulele classes, English rakugo classes
Rental space
Company Profile
Company name
Galley Crew Co., Ltd.
English notation: Galley Crew Ltd.
main office
26-16 Shinpoin-cho, Tennoji-ku, Osaka City
May 1999
March 15, 2010
2 million yen
board member
Representative Director Kosaku Goda
3 people
Business content
PR/Event planning/Management Company information/Business guide creation Branding consulting Anniversary event planning Management Sales promotion tool creation Website planning/creation/design Translation/interpretation services (English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, French, etc.)
Menu design/production Multilingual sign planning/production/sales Online shop management Video production Theater/dance performance production Planning/sales of Japanese pattern aloha shirts